Good quality ingredient with beneficial nutrients

Wheat germ in dog food

Like maize germ and rice germ, wheat germ is the part of the grain that would grow into the new plant. Relative to the whole wheat grain, the germ is tiny making up only about 3% of the total weight, but it contains the vast majority of the grain's non-carb nutrients including a very high level of essential fatty acids and other healthy unsaturated oils along with a good dose of B vitamins, vitamin E, phosphorous, zinc and magnesium.

The carbohydrates found in wheat are more difficult for dogs to digest than those in many other grains making it more likely to lead to dietary intolerance. Wheat germ, on the other hand, does not include any of the starchy endosperm (the source of virtually all of the grain's carbohydrates and gluten) which makes it much less likely to lead to any adverse reaction.

Find foods containing Wheat germ See the full Ingredient Glossary


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