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Artificial colourings

As any parent will testify, certain foods can have a dramatic effect on a child's behaviour. As early as the 1950's, artificial colourings were being...

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I found a local supplier, which gives you the option to buy a smaller quantity

Prodog Raw Complete Raw Dog Food 19 hours ago
Guthrie Bessom
Guthrie Bessom

This food is mostly carbs, looking after a 3 year old BC who is on this rubbish, sends him hyper, no body muscle and incredibly thin. If you want your dog to thrive, don't feed them this. Since when did canines thrive on a highly processed food like this. My 10 year old BC x Huskie x Malamute is fed raw, has nice muscle mass, stamina and is not triggered all the time, he can out run the 3 year old BC too - work that one out.

Burns Alert yesterday
Butternut Box VN
Butternut Box VN

Hi Sue,

It's one of the in-house Vet Nurses at Butternut Box here. Thank you for your feedback, we are sorry to hear your dog has not had a smooth start to Butternut, this is a shame and we hope he is now feeling better. As we are a human quality, fresh, cooked diet we are highly digestible to help ease pressure on digestion. Sometimes it can take some time to adjust to a different diet if they have always been on one food. We have reached out directly through email to give you a little more support here.

All the best

Butternut Box 2 days ago

i know right

/dog-food-brands/0224/bella-and-duke 3 days ago

this food looks delightful!

/dog-food-brands/0224/bella-and-duke 3 days ago

Fairly high residue, moderate calorie content, cost now £42.49 for 15kg

Lukullus Naturkost 5 days ago
Gareth Hughes
Gareth Hughes

Send them my way if you don’t want them 👍

Butternut Box 5 days ago

The ingredients on the P&M website has 17% “Salmon protein” and not dried salmon, I presume this should actually score similar to the rest of the range which has the correct ingredient list?

Pooch & Mutt Health & Digestion 6 days ago
Sue Evanson
Sue Evanson

Hi all. My dog is a 21 month old Lab x GR who can eat practically anything without any side effects. However, since giving him this, and only mixing in a small amount with his usual food (Butchers) he has had runny poos - even desperate to go in the garden, which he never does. Have stopped now - back to Butchers - so, hopefully, his stomach will settle. Now have several packs in the freezer to get rid of.

Butternut Box 6 days ago

Correction, it is 20ml of water per slice of french toast. 40ml is probably too much water. You just want enough to help distribute the egg white and lightly soak the bread.

/articles/feeding-dogs-with-pancreatitis 6 days ago

Well the diet changes are working well, along with feeding Cecil a small meal in the middle of the night. I am now rotating the veggies every 4-5 days. I make 200g rice (precooked weight) and 300g of sweet potato, and then I add EITHER 150g corn, 150g peas, 400g broccoli, or 350g string beans and then I puree it. I also give him one slice of egg white french toast in the morning after his regular breakfast (he usually eats less in the morning), and another slice in the middle of the night (without a veggie meal, this is just to help eliminate morning sickness). The egg white french toast recipe is 1/2 medium egg white whisked with 40ml of bottled water, then soaked into a 33g slice of low fat white bread and the fried dry in a clean non-stick pan. Cecil loves french toast!

/articles/feeding-dogs-with-pancreatitis 6 days ago

This post is in relation to Morning sickness, it is something Cecil has been dealing with over the past couple of years but it has gotten worse: I believe I read a few people complain here about their dog throwing up and perhaps it is the same issue that I have with Cecil. Cecil will throw up a little of a mostly clear liquid, and he will usually do so in the morning. It was happening about once a month but it got worse a couple weeks ago. I originally thought it was due to his thyroid and liver medication, but then he threw up his bread covered pills before they even dissolved so it is not his medication that is causing the problem.

I think the problem got worse because he is likely eating something in the yard that has fat or protein (my landlord dumps waste food including bones, etc in the yard as fertilizer). I have been watching him closely when he goes outside now to make sure he is not eating anything when he goes outside.

Anyway I am referring to this as morning sickness because it really only happens in the morning, and Cecil is also very reluctant to eat in the morning (even on days when he has not vomited). Cecil gets 3 meals per day, spaced 6 hours apart (10am, 4pm, 10pm). I believe that the issue may be related to him having an empty stomach in the morning (thus why it is often just a clear liquid). So for the past few days I have been getting up at 4am and feeding him 1 slice of egg white french toast (1/2 an egg white, 40ml bottled water, 1 slice white bread, fried dry in a non stick pan). I have it preprepared and precut into small bite size pieces in advance so I just have to get out of bed and take it out of the refrigerator and give it to him, and then I can go right back to sleep.

So far the results are very encouraging. His appetite in the morning has increased and he has not thrown up yet since I started feeding him a 4th small meal in the middle of the night. Hopefully this information is helpful to those who complained about their dogs throwing up. I would also be very careful about how much fat and protein they are eating. Cecil has severe pancreatitis and if he eats any more than 2-2.5g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day he starts to have issues. Good luck.

/articles/feeding-dogs-with-pancreatitis 6 days ago
Butternut Box VN
Butternut Box VN

Hi Gareth,

It's one of the in-house Vet Nurses at Butternut Box.

Thank you for your lovely feedback, it is appreciated. We are pleased to hear your pup is enjoying his Butternut meals, this is great news!

All the best💛

Butternut Box 6 days ago
Gareth Hughes
Gareth Hughes

My Dog used to turn his nose up at a lot of other wet food options, but since using Butternut Box he devours his fresh food. Excellent choice of meals with a breakdown of ingredients, and an easy to use app.

It’s a little more expensive than I hoped but if it means that my dog eats all his food, then I’m willing to pay.

Butternut Box 6 days ago

This has worked wonders for my Greyhound with a very sensitive stomach. It has completely fixed his runny and frequent poos. It’s the first kibble out of 4 different hypoallergenic ones that has done the trick

Wainwright's Dry Adult Light 7 days ago


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