Trophy Pet Foods

Name: United Petfood
Location: Gent, Belgium

Average product rating

60 %

About Trophy Pet Foods

Company info
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Trophy Pet Foods is a premium British dog food brand committed to delivering high-quality nutrition at competitive prices. Manufactured at our own facility, our products are nutritionally balanced, ingredient-led, and designed to cater to every stage of your dog's life.

Understanding the challenges of choosing the right pet food, we offer a range of options, from grain-free and lite diets to formulas for puppies, adults, and mature dogs. Each recipe is crafted with natural ingredients to ensure complete and balanced nutrition.

Our dedication to premium quality and palatability means that your dog not only receives the essential nutrients they need but also enjoys every meal. Trophy Pet Foods provides the confidence of well-researched, wholesome nutrition to support your pet's health and happiness.
Approx. number of employees: 5000
Area served: UK & Germany
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
1.4k 1,386 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days
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