
Name: United Petfood
Location: Gent, Belgium

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50 %

About Chudleys

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With over 45 years of expertise in working dog nutrition, Chudleys stands at the forefront of quality dog food. Our specialist range is crafted with a focus on high protein levels and a unique Quality Life Care (QLC) package, featuring a blend of fruits and vegetables known to combat free radicals and support overall health. Chudleys ensures that every meal delivers optimal nutrition for peak performance and well-being. Born from a deep understanding of working dogs' needs and driven by the Chudley family's legacy in breeding and training, our food is designed to meet the rigorous demands of working dogs in all conditions. Trust Chudleys for a feeding solution that supports your dog's health and performance with every bite.
Approx. number of employees: 5000
Area served: UK & Germany
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
2.1k 2,071 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days
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