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In general, unless your dog has health issues, you probably won't have to worry about these figures. Click here for more information
Mixing bowl composition
This is the ingredients list as printed on the packaging or manufacturer's website.
Think of the 'mixing bowl' composition like a recipe - all the ingredients you would need to put in a 'mixing bowl' in order to make the food.
Ingredients have to be listed in descending order of their weight so the higher it appears, the more there is.
Highlighted ingredients
Ingredients that we believe to be controversial or inferior are highlighted in yellow with particularly low grade, highly contentious or excessively vague ingredients in red.
As fed composition
While the 'mixing bowl' composition is useful for knowing what went into the food, it doesn't always reflect what your dog is actually eating. This is because the processes that turn the ingredients into the finished pet food can significantly alter the relative weights of the ingredients.
For this reason we've calculated the approximate 'as fed' percentages for the main ingredient categories in the finished product.
Please note that these figures are very approximate. They are estimates based on the information provided by the manufacturer in the ingredients list so the clearer the terminology and the more percentages they provide, the more accurate our estimates will be. Wherever information is lacking, we always assume the worst.
Ingredient categories
◉ Meat ingredients: includes all meat and fish ingredients except isolated fats/oils.
◉Added oils and fats: includes all isolated oil and fat ingredients.
◉ Carb-rich ingredients: includes all ingredients derived from grains, pseudo-grains, potatoes and other starchy root vegetables, sweet potato and legumes (except whole peas which are categorised under fruit and veg) except for isolated protein and extracted oils. Also includes fibre supplements.
◉ Fruit and veg: includes all whole vegetables and fruits.
◉ Other: all other ingredients. Mostly made up by nutritional supplements and additives.
For more information on any ingredient, please take a look at our Dog Food Ingredient Glossary
The dry matter level of a nutrient is the percentage there would be in the food if all of the water was removed.
With water taken out of the equation, these figures allow the nutrient levels of foods of different types (like wet and dry) to be compared on an even playing field.
65.27 out of 100 - Good
Our unique product ratings are calculated based on a number of characteristics including the quality and quantity of the stated ingredients, certain nutritional and technological additives and the processing methods used to create the food. They are designed to indicate how beneficial we think a food is likely to be for the majority of dogs when fed on a daily basis for an extended period. Click here for more information
Country of origin:
A technological additive is any substance added to a pet food "for a technological purpose and which favourably affects the characteristics of feed".
The most common categories of technological additives include preservatives and antioxidants, gelling agents and thickeners and probiotics.
While the primary effects of technoloical additives are certainly 'favourable' (increased shelf life in the case of preservatives & antioxidants, better food texture and consistency in the case of gelling agents and thickeners etc.) some have been linked to health problems in pets and should be treated with caution.
Unfortunately, many technological additives do not have to be declared by the manufacturer so just because they do not appear on the label does not necessarily mean they are not in the food. If in doubt, ask the manufacturer directly exactly what technological additives their foods contain.
Saija McGlashan •2 months ago
At the time of writing (Nov '24) I have contacted Zooplus to point out how similar their (ownbrand) Rosie's Farm 400g dog food tins are to their cat food equivalents and that the wording on the online 'headline' displays omits to mention "dog" or "cat" :/. Ever since Covid I've keep a large stock of pet food, so I've only just discovered that out of the three saver packs (24 tins each) of 'cat food' I purchased back in June when they were having a 15% off special on Rosie's Farm, two were in actuality dog food :/ . The link in the email I'd been sent to get this deal had taken me to a both-species list of what was on offer and I hadn't consciously known that Rosies' Farm did dog food as well as cat food. If I'd gone to the website myself I'd have filtered for "Wet cat food" so the confusion wouldn't have arisen. The 'headline' descriptions online don't contain the words "dog" or "cat" ... (e.g. "Rosie's Farm Adult Saver Pack Cans 24 x 400g") so beware! Looking at the tins head on (and not reading the small print on the back), the only difference is the small line-drawings of the cat or dog off to the lower left. Both drawings are the exact same height and colour, both are seated and the only difference in their positioning is that one is obliquely to the left and one is obliquely to the right. When I showed some screen-shot images to a friend I was telling about my mistake, she commented that at first glance she hadn’t even SEEN the line-drawing of an animal, let alone noticed some showed dogs and some showed cats. So it’s not just my middle-aged eyesight! Well, let's hope that, seeing as Rosie's Farm turns out to be their company (I was trying to find out who owns Rosie's Farm and the search took me to this helpful page), Zooplus can more easily make some changes. I was lucky that when I finally discovered my mistake that I'd only fed two tins to my cats and that this had been a few weeks AFTER a very dangerous situation with a bowel inflammation condition with one of them had happened, so he was by then on a single-protein fish diet which RF doesn't do (apparently feeding dog food to cats can cause sickness and diarrhoea - which if he'd had more of at one point could have proved fatal as he was extremely poorly at point and needed to be hospitalised). I've heard in the past that the opposite scenario of feeding cat food to dogs can be even worse, since because cats have less sensitivity to things like salmonella there is less stringency in the manufacture of their food than for dog food. This is why I thought I should add this comment. Just to add that over the 15 or so years I've been a customer, Zooplus have been an exemplary company to deal with and I have high hopes that my communication with them will have a positive outcome.