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In general, unless your dog has health issues, you probably won't have to worry about these figures. Click here for more information
Mixing bowl composition
This is the ingredients list as printed on the packaging or manufacturer's website.
Think of the 'mixing bowl' composition like a recipe - all the ingredients you would need to put in a 'mixing bowl' in order to make the food.
Ingredients have to be listed in descending order of their weight so the higher it appears, the more there is.
Highlighted ingredients
Ingredients that we believe to be controversial or inferior are highlighted in yellow with particularly low grade, highly contentious or excessively vague ingredients in red.
As fed composition
While the 'mixing bowl' composition is useful for knowing what went into the food, it doesn't always reflect what your dog is actually eating. This is because the processes that turn the ingredients into the finished pet food can significantly alter the relative weights of the ingredients.
For this reason we've calculated the approximate 'as fed' percentages for the main ingredient categories in the finished product.
Please note that these figures are very approximate. They are estimates based on the information provided by the manufacturer in the ingredients list so the clearer the terminology and the more percentages they provide, the more accurate our estimates will be. Wherever information is lacking, we always assume the worst.
Ingredient categories
◉ Meat ingredients: includes all meat and fish ingredients except isolated fats/oils.
◉Added oils and fats: includes all isolated oil and fat ingredients.
◉ Carb-rich ingredients: includes all ingredients derived from grains, pseudo-grains, potatoes and other starchy root vegetables, sweet potato and legumes (except whole peas which are categorised under fruit and veg) except for isolated protein and extracted oils. Also includes fibre supplements.
◉ Fruit and veg: includes all whole vegetables and fruits.
◉ Other: all other ingredients. Mostly made up by nutritional supplements and additives.
For more information on any ingredient, please take a look at our Dog Food Ingredient Glossary
The dry matter level of a nutrient is the percentage there would be in the food if all of the water was removed.
With water taken out of the equation, these figures allow the nutrient levels of foods of different types (like wet and dry) to be compared on an even playing field.
77.00 out of 100 - Good
Our unique product ratings are calculated based on a number of characteristics including the quality and quantity of the stated ingredients, certain nutritional and technological additives and the processing methods used to create the food. They are designed to indicate how beneficial we think a food is likely to be for the majority of dogs when fed on a daily basis for an extended period. Click here for more information
Country of origin:Czech Republic
A technological additive is any substance added to a pet food "for a technological purpose and which favourably affects the characteristics of feed".
The most common categories of technological additives include preservatives and antioxidants, gelling agents and thickeners and probiotics.
While the primary effects of technoloical additives are certainly 'favourable' (increased shelf life in the case of preservatives & antioxidants, better food texture and consistency in the case of gelling agents and thickeners etc.) some have been linked to health problems in pets and should be treated with caution.
Unfortunately, many technological additives do not have to be declared by the manufacturer so just because they do not appear on the label does not necessarily mean they are not in the food. If in doubt, ask the manufacturer directly exactly what technological additives their foods contain.
Tracie •3 months ago
We changed our two French Bulldogs from Orijen to Carnilove duck and pheasant. Our dogs do one solid perfect poo in the morning and one solid perfect poo in the evening this did not change whilst they are still on Carnilove duck and pheasant but our Frenchies hardly ever pass wind but since they’ve been on Carnilove duck and pheasant they have been often and really bad smelling. I rung Carnilove and they told me that it’s probably the big change in protein and for the next bag to try salmon or carp and trout I will buy salmon or carp and trout when I run out and if this doesn’t stop the smelly trumping , I will have to change as it really is unbearable but as far as the poo goes, it’s perfect and hasn’t changed at all . but the smell from their rear end is horrendous. I was toying with the idea of Carnilove or Millie’s Wolffhardt so if nothing changes when I buy the next bag of salmon or carp and trout, then I definitely will look at Millie‘s wolf heart I can’t fault the food they absolutely love it, it’s just a bit much coping with the smell apart from that. I really can’t fault the food at all. I know French bulldogs are notorious for smelly trump’s but to be honest I was hardly ever Trump at all and if they do it really doesn’t smell hardly. Someone said it’s probably because of the high yellow P protein it’s 20% doesn’t mean anything to me but like I said I’m going to order another bag and give it a go if not, my other choice was Millies Wolfheart. So as a food and poo wise I would give it 10 out of 10 but because of the smelly trumps I’d have to give it a 5 out of 10 because they really are bad they literally smell out the whole bottom of our house and is quite frequent so this really can’t be good for them and their poor tummies. But nothing has changed they still are absolutely crazy and run around like lunatics. They don’t drink any more than normal weight has stayed the same they are about 12.9 kg and are two years old , they are in amazing shape. Coat is shiny so it has not affected them in anyway apart from the smell.Sharon Tracie •3 months ago
Have you tried the true fresh carnilove my 2 cockapoo are really great with it they don’t have smelly buts thankfully they also have the fresh one no chicken as there not to good with chicken but mine were both on Origen regional red and tundra but they both started to go off it so I changed to carnilove and no problem stools are still good•4 months ago
DeeteeZoe E •6 months ago
This food cost me about 150£ in unnecessary vet bills as I tried to figure out why my dog smelt so bad so sudden. I had his anal glands emptied twice and I still couldn’t figure it out. The vet suggested it might be dietary. I’d only started him on this food last month and that’s when he began to smell. Stopped him and in the space of two days he no longer smells. I’ve read others have experienced the same issueKathryn •one year ago
Hi I am thinking about swapping my 12 month old frl to this food.she is at the moment on ava puppy food and I’ve heard ava isn’t a very good food for dogs. What are the reviews on this food and should I do the swap or not as I’ve heard this food can cause soft stool??? Thank you.Jill Kathryn •7 months ago
Tried my doodles on this food very sloppy poops & smelly gas. Put them on Acana & they’re doing brilliant.Michaela Murphy Jill •6 months ago
I put all my rescues straight onto the salmon carnilove none are ever sloppy and gassy. Acana is horrendous now sadly after it was bought over by Mars who also make Pedigree royal canon Whiskas. They shrunk the bag sizes, you have to feed a higher amount of the food now and made it dearer 😩Kenneth Preston •one year ago
My cocker spaniel has been on this for a week now and it's give him terrible gas .Thought we would try this because of the reviews .Now back to Arden Grange grain free super foodsEleanor •one year ago
Hi, My 1yr old GSD has been eating Eden sporting and working dog food for quite a while now and we have absolutely no problems with it. However, the price keeps going up and now the percentage has gone down. I've been looking at other dry foods as I was sure they would be a better one on the market. I have come across Carnilove, although 3kg less in a bag, it has a slightly higher percentage and price difference of around £30 a bag less then Eden. Just a bit concerned about changing food, although I would do it gradually. Have you got any advice? Thanks 😊Grumpy Dog •one year ago
Why has the rating gone down to 78% when only the other day it was 90%leaf hawkins Grumpy Dog •one year ago
Waiting for this response. I know there’s a new algorithm that changes the way food is rated, but hoping it doesn’t meant the quality has plummeted that much! I bought this brand because of the quality! Don’t want to have to change again :’)Team AADF Grumpy Dog •one year ago
Hi Grumpy Dog and Leaf Hawkins! It's all down to the new scoring system. You can find out more here. The recipes haven't changed so if your dog's doing fine there's really no need to consider changingCegriff80 •one year ago
Great quality and a good price, plus my fussy dog loved it. However their stools were always fairly soft and smelt absolutely horrendous. It was so bad I had to take them off of itSimon •2 years ago
My dogs seemed to like the food but I cannot recommend if you are looking for a food to help a dog with loose stools - this made it worse! 🤢 Try a hypoallergenic food if your dog has this problem. Vets Kitchen has worked wonders for ours.vegan Is me Simon •2 years ago
There are better alternatives to kibble â˜ºï¸ Like raw foods air dry food and dehydrated raw foods or just sitck with wet foods or kibble and add in fresh whole foodsClaire Kay •2 years ago
I tried this food and my Boxers seemed to like it, but I was also concerned about the amount of meat "meal" as opposed to meat. I subsequently had to take them off it because their poop smelt absolutely disgusting, the worst ever.vegan Is me Claire Kay •2 years ago
There are other better fresh complete foods other then kibble like air dried dehydrated food