Updated 20 Jun 2023
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Orlando Complete Review

Type of food

Complete dry extruded

Dog types

Pet dogs

Breed sizes

Suitable for toy breed dogs
Adult weight 1-4kg. e.g. Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Yorkshire Terrier
Suitable for small breed dogs
Adult weight 4-10kg. e.g. Beagle, Dachshund, Jack Russell
Suitable for medium breed dogs
Adult weight 10-25kg. e.g. Border Collie, Staffie, Springer, Vizsla
Suitable for large breed dogs
Adult weight 25-45kg. e.g. Boxer, Labrador, Greyhound
Suitable for giant breed dogs
Adult weight 45kg+ e.g. Bernese, Great Dane, Mastiff

Dog ages

From 12 months to old age

Pack sizes

3kg bags


3kg bags = £3.29

Exclusive to

Lidl Supermarkets

AADF rating


At a glance

Not natural: Contains some added artificial preservatives, antioxidants, colourings, flavourings and/or other controversial synthetic ingredients
Not high in meat: Contains less than 30% meat ingredients (on a dry matter basis) or meat percentage is unspecified
Not hypoallergenic: Contains wheat, maize, dairy products, soya products and/or artificial additives or has an ingredient list that is too unclear to rule out their presence
Not clearly labelled:

It is difficult to tell exactly what is in this food due to a lack of labelling clarity.

Certified nutritionally complete: This food complies fully with the complete food nutrient tolerances as recommended by FEDIAF and/or AAFCO

Price per day


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Mixing bowl:

Cereals, Meat and Animal Derivatives (Including 4% Beef), Oils and Fats, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Various Sugars, Minerals, Vegetables (Including 1.25% Dried Peas).

As fed (BETA):

Nutritional additives (per kg)

Vitamin a 11607 Iu, Vitamin D3 1354 Iu, Copper II Sulphate Pentahydrate (Copper 2.95mg/kg), Calcium Iodate, Anhydrous (Iodine 0.75mg/kg), Iron II Sulphate Monohydrate (Iron 25mg/kg), Zinc Oxide (Zinc 62mg/kg), Manganous Oxide (Manganese 23mg/kg), Sodium Selenite (Selenium 0.07mg/kg).

Technological additives

Typical Analysis

Dry weight nutrients

Above average


Below average

* NFE carbohydrate level (i.e. not including fibre). Level estimated from available data.


3kg bags RRP


Grams per day


Cost per day


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Company info
Name: Lidl 1212 Orlando foods listed
HQ: Germany
Manufacturer's product description


16 Comments AADF Privacy Policy Sign in to comment
Susan Begg 2 years ago
Why do people buy or take on a dog if they can’t afford to feed a nutritious diet. The contents are Crap therefore Crap comes out other end. Dogs survive but do not Thrive. Shame on you lot of Ho feed this rubbish.
MT Susan Begg one year ago
Crap always comes out of the other end. That's what it's for.
Cegriff80 Susan Begg 2 months ago
What an absolutely disgusting thing to say. Let's hope you never end up in the position where you are struggling to afford rent/mortgage and feed yourself, let alone your dog. Perhaps they should just give their beloved pet up instead. Shame on you more like.
April Dawn 2 years ago
All my dogs have been fed on a raw meat and bones diet for many years. The cost made me try this complete feed. Simply horrible ! My dog is a 10 month fox red labrador and so WOLFED it down BUT over one week I saw a lot of negatives. Huge increase in the amount of dog poo,(there must be a lot of water absorbing filler) He went from small amounts twice a day to 5 to 7 HUGE piles. Labs rarely have glossy fur but he certainly lost condition during the week. I have put him back on fresh meat and until money limits I will stick to it. LOL had baked beans on toast tonight whilst he dined on half a raw chicken. This is VERY cheap food but unless its my only option I would not try it again. Felt a bit guilty donating the sack to my local animal sanctuary.
Susan Begg April Dawn 2 years ago
Like you I feed Raw having had over the years 20 dogs, when and if I feed Biscuit I use Core. I met someone who’s dogs gums and inside flews were Yellow she fed this crap saying couldn’t afford to feed better. The dog only 3 yrs had liver failure and was dead within a month. I say DONT GET A DOG IF YOU CANT AFFORD TO FEED A DECENT FOOD SIMPLE.
Chopchop Susan Begg 2 years ago
Thats a very narrow minded view. I love my dogs. I cant afford to buy them high end food. I rescued my dogs from a life of misery. I feed them Orlando complete sensative food. There happy dogs, plenty of walks and cuddles. I hope your comment doesnt put people off owning/adopting a dog. I think a safe and secure, loving home is more important. We will always find a way to feed our beloved pets
Maggie Austin Chopchop one year ago
This is like saying it’s ok to have a child even if you can only afford to feed it McDonald’s every meal. I agree it doesn’t have to be the most expensive food. But that doesn’t make it OK to feed diets like this particular food. You can feed a healthy diet for a reasonable price. I spend £1.20 a day to feed my dog raw. That is not breaking the bank and I’m sure you spend more than £1 a day to feed yourself†¦
Confirmme April Dawn one year ago
Dogs are known to have much smaller poos when on a raw diet. I have fed this with meat i buy myself and see a happy healthy dog.
Dapper Rich April Dawn 9 months ago
Labs rarely have glossy fur???? You're having a laugh. I've had working Labs all my life ( I'm now 70 years old) All my Labs have had great glossy amazing coats unless they became ill. If you change your dog's food they will become loose and poo a lot more until they get used to the change. I started trying this food after a friend recommended it. I have NEVER had a problem with it, even my vet agreed it's good value.
M Pickles 3 years ago
Fed my dog some Orlando dog treats from Lidl and she threw up 2 hours later. Not good is it?
Jan M Pickles one year ago
I'm afraid your dog is sick 😂
Dapper Rich M Pickles 9 months ago
If the treats don't meet the standards required by law they would be banned. It's more than likely they do not suit your dog.
Sally 4 years ago
When will you be reviewing Orlando pure taste from Lidl please? It has 59% animal ingredients and there’s no mention of it on here.
Mandy 8 years ago
I feed all 3 of my GSD's on Orlando after trying all the JWB, Burns, etc. This food was doing fantastic, great coats, etc. But in the last lot of 3 bags I bought at my Lidls in Plymouth, They keep getting a upset tummy. I am guessing you have changed something in the ingredients? Please put it back to what it was and also loving the smaller kibble as one of mine being a rescue snoffles it to quick (balls in his food) to stop him tho. x Once I have used these 3 bags if the still getting upset tums I am going to have to change them. Thanks x


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