
Name: Matina
Location: Munich, Germany

Average product rating

77 %

About Purizon

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Purizon is a premium dog food brand inspired by the natural diet of dogs, focusing on a grain-free formula that mirrors their ancestral needs. Each recipe features 70% high-quality meat and fish, complemented by nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Our gentle preparation method ensures that essential nutrients and natural flavours are preserved, providing optimal nutrition in every bite. For a more specialised option, try our 80:20:0 recipe, which boasts 80% meat or fish, 20% wholesome fruits and vegetables, and contains no grains. With Purizon, your dog receives protein-rich, well-balanced meals crafted to support their health and vitality.
Approx. number of employees: 0
Area served: UK & Europe
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
1.2k 1,173 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days
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