
Name: Symply Pet Food
Location: Buckinghamshire, UK

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73 %

About Canagan

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Canagan is a premium dog food brand with a rich heritage of improving pet health. Founded by Eddie Milbourne in the 1990s, who noticed common health issues in dogs linked to poor ingredients, Canagan was born from his quest for a better diet.

After discovering superior meat-based foods in the USA, Eddie began importing them, leading to visible health improvements. His pursuit of excellence, alongside a team of nutritionists, resulted in Canagan-the UK's first grain-free dog food inspired by ancestral diets.

Launched in 2012, Canagan combines premium British ingredients with advanced nutritional research. Awarded the Queen's Award for Enterprise: International Trade, Canagan remains a top choice in specialist pet stores, reflecting our ongoing commitment to quality and independent retailers.
Approx. number of employees: 50
Area served: Over 40 Countries
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
5.3k 5,303 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days
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