
Name: Inspired Pet Nutrition
Location: Yorkshire, UK

Average product rating

63 %

About Harringtons

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At Harringtons we're on a mission to make natural food the natural choice for every pet. It's food that's full of tasty natural goodness, food that's packed with vitamins and minerals, food that's healthy, balanced and tasty. Locally sourced and free from artificial nasties, it's nourishing food that's made by us in our own factories - natural food for all pets.

Great Grandfather Harrington started a milling business in Yorkshire, England. From milling, we became animal feed manufacturers before starting pet food manufacturing in the mid-1980's.

Three generations later, Harringtons retain a proud family tradition of producing top quality, wholesome pet food for everyone - from locally sourced and grown ingredients and free from any artificial flavours or colours.

For Harringtons, all pets are family. That means we give our support to great animal causes whenever we can. We like to get involved - with our advice and guidance as well as well as donating delicious foods to pets in need.
Approx. number of employees: 300
Area served: UK
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
16.7k 16,727 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days
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