
Name: Burns Pet Nutrition
Location: Carmarthenshire, UK
Parent company
Name: Assisi Pet Care Group
HQ: United Kingdom

Average product rating

61 %

About Burns

Company info
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Burns dog food is an award winning dog food brand based in the UK with a rich history dating all the way back to 1993 and their original owner and namesake, John Burns.
Now under the ownership of Assisi Pet Care, Burns provide a wide variety of dog foods and treats ranging from wet food all the way highly specialise snacks such as their range of carrot bites.

Burns dog food has been manufacturing products for over 30 years and, in 2024, were voted the UK's consumer choice for dog food by WHICH?

Despite their extensive product range, Burns philosophy revolves around helping pets manage common health problems and sensitivity with their range of dog foods targeted towards dogs with specific allergies and intolerances.
Burns are also championing healthy pet food and have their own charity - The John Burns Foundation - aimed at providing aid and support for people and pets throughout the community.
Approx. number of employees: 250
Area served: UK & Ireland
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
5.7k 5,682 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days
Also owned by Assisi Pet Care Group
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