James & Ella

Name: Hello Ella Ltd
Location: Dorset, UK

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80 %

About James & Ella

Company info
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We're James & Ella; a happiness & wellbeing company for dogs. We specialise in offering premium, hypoallergenic diets tailored to dogs of all life stages, with a strong emphasis on raw nutrition, made from ethically and locally sourced human-grade ingredients. A note from our founder, James Middleton: "A few years back, my dogs helped pull me out of a really difficult battle with depression. When I reached the other side, I set out on a mission to make their lives just as happy and as healthy as they've made mine, starting with the food they eat. I've pulled together a team of industry experts and nutritionists. Together, we developed a range of food that contains all the ingredients and nutrition for dogs to live a long and happy life, but without any hassle. Developing James & Ella has been a true labour of love and I'm so thrilled to share this journey with a community of like-minded, loving pet parents."
Approx. number of employees: 3
Area served: UK
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
3.4k 3,424 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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