Paleo Ridge

Name: Paleo Ridge
Location: Hampshire, UK

Average product rating

82 %

About Paleo Ridge

Company info
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Paleo Ridge is a premium dog food brand established in 2014, renowned for its high-quality raw dog food. With a commitment to natural nutrition, our products are crafted from carefully selected ingredients to provide the best possible diet for your dog. Paleo Ridge has quickly become a leader in the industry, known not only for the superior quality of our raw pet food but also for our strong ethical principles and environmental focus. We continuously innovate to ensure that our food supports your dog's health and wellbeing while also caring for the planet.
Approx. number of employees: 50
Area served: UK & Ireland
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
2.2k 2,185 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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