
Name: Pets Choice
Location: Lancashire, UK

Average product rating

79 %

About Meatiful

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Meatiful is proudly British, with our sausages crafted in Lancashire, England using the finest vet-approved recipes. Each meal is designed to be easily digestible, free from wheat, dairy, and soya, and supports tissue growth and repair.

Ideal for discerning dogs, our recipes are taste-tested by our in-house experts to ensure exceptional flavour. Made with 100% natural ingredients and gluten-free, Meatiful contains no grains, only a small amount of brown rice for high fibre and slow-release energy.

We avoid artificial colours, flavours, and preservatives, focusing instead on natural, mouth-watering taste. Enriched with essential vitamins and minerals, our vet-approved recipes are perfect for sensitive stomachs and growing pups.
Approx. number of employees: 500
Area served: 45 Countries Globally
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
355 355 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days
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