Miraculous Meals

Name: Miraculous Meals
Location: Reading, UK

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82 %

About Miraculous Meals

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Miraculous Meals specialises in premium wet dog food, crafted to be as fresh, tasty, and nutritious as nature intended. We focus on high-quality, real meat as the primary ingredient, ensuring that every meal is packed with flavour and essential nutrients.

Our recipes blend generous portions of real meat with offal to enhance both taste and nutritional value. We incorporate field-fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and botanicals, all supported by research to benefit your dog's health.

Our meals are rich in natural fibre, vitamins, minerals, and prebiotics to support digestion and immunity. Each recipe features energy-boosting root vegetables like carrots, sweet potato, beetroot, and pumpkin, providing slow-release energy and aiding digestion. With Miraculous Meals, your dog enjoys a wholesome diet tailored to their natural needs.
Approx. number of employees: 10
Area served: UK
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
374 374 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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