Tilly & Ted

Name: Inspired Pet Nutrition
Location: Yorkshire, UK

Average product rating

67 %

About Tilly & Ted

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At Tilly & Ted, we're dedicated to crafting delicious dog food that's as wholesome as it is tempting. Our recipes are free from unnecessary additives, focusing solely on high-quality ingredients that your dog will love. We take pride in creating food that looks as good as it tastes-at least to your pet!

Our commitment to excellence drives every step of our process, from selecting the finest ingredients to perfecting each recipe. We aim to exceed expectations, delivering meals that both pets and their owners can feel great about.

More than just a dog food brand, Tilly & Ted is a community of passionate pet lovers. We're here to make mealtimes special, creating moments of joy and connection between you and your pet.
Approx. number of employees: 500
Area served: UK
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
1.5k 1,500 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days
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