Henley Raw

Name: Henley Raw Dog Food
Location: Reading, England

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83 %

About Henley Raw

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Henley Raw is a premium raw dog food brand based in the picturesque town of Henley-on-Thames. Our mission is to offer the highest quality complete raw dog food, paired with exceptional customer service for both you and your dog.

With years of experience in raw feeding, we're passionate about providing natural, balanced nutrition. Our own dogs have thrived on a varied raw diet, which inspired us to create a complete raw food formula. Our meals adhere to the ideal 80/10/5/5 ratio: 80% meat, 10% bone, 5% liver, and 5% other offal. For those who prefer a DIY approach, we also offer chunks, offal, and bones.

We pride ourselves on using only the finest ingredients, with a commitment to ethically sourced, high animal welfare produce, including organic and free-range options. Our dedication to quality has been recognised with a prestigious award from the ethical trading company.
Approx. number of employees: 0
Area served: UK
Year established:
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