
Name: Caboodle Pet Brands
Location: Gloucestershire, UK

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73 %

About Caboodle

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Caboodle is a dog food subscription box brand based in the UK, focusing on providing complete, properly portioned meals to our furry friends up and down the country.

Founded by Simon Arkwright, Gillian Quek and Karen Hanton, Caboodle is a unique dog food subscription company based in Gloucestershire. Their daily boxes are designed for ease of use and help to remove the stress associated with finding the right food for your pet.

Each Caboodle daily package consists of a package of complete wet food, a portion of dry extruded superfood and a health treat for your pet - all perfectly portioned based on your answers to their tailored quiz. Each of their utilised recipes and their associated benefits can be found on their website.

Caboodle boxes are available to buy exclusively on the Caboodle website with the company now offering their individual meals as 1 time purchases allowing you trial them without subscribing.
Approx. number of employees: 10
Area served: UK
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
700 700 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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