
Name: Virbac S.A
Location: Carros, France

Average product rating

66 %

About Virbac

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Virbac is a global leader in animal health, dedicated to providing innovative solutions that enhance the well-being of pets worldwide. With over 50 years of expertise, Virbac's dog food range is crafted to meet the highest standards of nutrition and safety. Our recipes are designed by veterinary experts using carefully selected, natural ingredients, ensuring that your dog receives balanced, nutritious meals that support overall health and happiness.

Our commitment to quality extends across our entire production process, from research and development to final delivery, ensuring that every product reflects our passion for improving the lives of animals. With a focus on both companion and farm animals, Virbac continues to lead the way in animal health, offering trusted solutions in over 100 countries. Choose Virbac for a scientifically backed, premium diet that keeps your dog healthy and thriving.
Approx. number of employees: 5500
Area served: Over 100 countries globally
Year established:
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1.6k 1,571 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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