
Name: Amazon
Location: Seattle, USA

Average product rating

67 %

About Lifelong

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Lifelong dog food is a specialist dog food manufacturer that originates from Seattle, USA. Lifelong is an Amazon original brand and is exclusively sold on Amazon.

Lifelong produce a variety of dry food products. Their products are available for dogs of all ages and breed, hence the name Lifelong! The brand boasts that their food is developed by pet nutritionists and authorised by vets to be safe for dogs of different breeds.

Lifelong are still fairly new to the dog food industry after being created by Amazon in November 2018. They are well known for their dry food which is available in multiple flavours including chicken and salmon, both packing high protein levels for your pet. Lifelong also specialise in grain free dog food for puppies all the way to full adults, however it is to note that not all Lifelong products are grain free.

Every ounce of the food produced is produced to strict quality standards and is constantly tested by vets to ensure quality is high.
Approx. number of employees: 1608000
Area served: Global
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
1.4k 1,372 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days
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Solimo 4 4 Solimo foods listed



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