Ooddles Kitchen

Name: Ooddles Ltd
Location: Cheshire, UK

Average product rating

83 %

About Ooddles Kitchen

Company info
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Ooddles is a premium dog food brand dedicated to offering a variety of nutritious options tailored to your dog's specific needs. We recognise that different dogs thrive on different types of food-whether it's raw, dry, cold-pressed, wet, or freshly hand-cooked. Unlike other brands that advocate a single feeding approach, Ooddles provides a range of grain-free and hypoallergenic foods to ensure your dog receives the best nutrition in a way that suits them. Created by leading pet nutritionists and vet-approved, our balanced meals are designed to improve your dog's health and happiness. At Ooddles, we're passionate about delivering personalised, high-quality nutrition directly to your door, making the choice to feed your dog better, easier.
Approx. number of employees: 25
Area served: UK
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
3.8k 3,841 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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