
Name: Beco
Location: London, UK

Average product rating

66 %

About Beco

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Beco dog food was created in 2009 and they've had one aim since creating the brand which is to reduce the environmental impact of your pet. This brand specialises in creating environmentally friendly food for dogs whilst ensuring product quality remains high, so it is beneficial for your pet. Beco use recycled materials in their packaging to reduce the environmental impact of dog food.

As well as being sustainable, Beco also specialise in grain free dog food, so this ensures that their food is suitable for all dogs, including those with sensitive diets.

Beco produces dry, wet and puppy food as well as baked dog treats, including the popular dog choc treats.Their dry food is available in popular flavours including chicken, wild boar, cod and turkey. On average, their dry dog food is 50% meat and a high source of protein. Furthermore, the food contains vitamins that help promote gut health and is slow cooked between 90 - 120 degrees.
Approx. number of employees: 50
Area served: UK
Year established:
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