
Name: E&S Feeds
Location: West Yorkshire, UK

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77 %

About CobbyDog

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Cobbydog is a family based British dog food manufacturer based in the Yorkshire Dales. Established in 1975, we have over 48 years experience of providing dogs with sound, balanced and complete nutrition.

Cobbydog Nutrition developed because of the dedication to dogs of our fathers Eddy Horner and Stephen Leigh. Eddy and Stephen made their first dog food in Skipton, North Yorkshire all those years ago. Their commitment to providing dogs with the highest quality foods was unwavering. Cobbydog now has 48 years worth of experience working with all types of dogs and their owners. We take pride in formulating complete dog foods that are both nutritious and healthy. Today the Cobbydog family proudly continue to uphold our high standards and will always strive to give your dogs the high quality nutrition they need.

Our complete dry dog foods are full of vitamins and minerals to provide your dog with:

Plenty of energy to maintain their fitness.

Good bone and muscle structure.

Sound teeth and a glossy coat.

"Our commitment to providing dogs with the good sound nutrition is our main aim. We take pride in formulating complete dog foods full of natural proteins, oils, and botanicals. Our cold pressed food is hypoallergenic and free from preservatives, fillers and artificial ingredients." Katy van Suilichem, Director

Finding holistic methods to support normal anti-inflammatory responses is important when it comes to keeping your dog healthy! Recently we have developed a new cold pressed range - Immunity Impact, a cold-pressed food with Plasma power!

The effects of plasma are systemic, meaning it affects all immune systems and has a broad, sustained effect on the efficiency of the total body immune system response to stress. It also helps with recovery, contributes to systematic well being, and supports healthy joints.

"Today the Cobbydog family proudly continue to uphold our high standards and will always strive to give your dogs the high quality nutrition they need." Chris Leigh, Director

Cobbydog complete dry dog foods are packed full of everything that's nutritional for your dog!

Proudly made in the Yorkshire Dales, UK
Approx. number of employees: 11
Area served: UK
Year established:
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