
Name: Pets at Home
Location: Cheshire, UK

Average product rating

68 %

About Ava

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AVA is dedicated to transforming your love for your dog into exceptional nutrition. Our premium dog food is crafted with the highest standards of care and expertise, ensuring every meal supports your pet's well-being. Each recipe is designed to provide advanced nutrition, using only the finest natural ingredients.

Our commitment to quality means no artificial additives or fillers-just wholesome, balanced meals tailored to meet your dog's needs. AVA's focus is on delivering top-notch nutrition through carefully crafted recipes, aiming to enhance your pet's health and happiness every day. Trust AVA for a diet that reflects your care and dedication.
Approx. number of employees: 10000
Area served: UK
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
14.2k 14,187 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days
Also owned by
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