
Name: Sainsbury's
Location: London, UK

Average product rating

49 %

About Sainsbury's

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Sainsbury's dog food embodies our commitment to quality and value, backed by over 150 years of innovation. As one of the UK's leading retailers, we offer a range of dog food products designed to meet the highest standards of nutrition and taste. Our recipes are crafted with carefully selected ingredients to support your dog's overall health and happiness.

We focus on providing affordable, high-quality options that reflect our dedication to making life better for less. With a wide selection available both in-store and online, you can trust that Sainsbury's dog food delivers on our promise of convenience and excellence.

Choose Sainsbury's for a balanced diet that supports your pet's well-being while benefiting from our commitment to smart, sustainable choices.
Approx. number of employees: 162000
Area served: UK
Year established:
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2k 1,995 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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