
Name: Guru Pet Food
Location: Lancashire, UK

Average product rating

75 %

About Guru

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Guru is a premium dog food brand dedicated to providing naturally nutritious meals through our unique Cold Pressed method. Cold pressing allows us to produce complete dog food at low temperatures, ensuring that the ingredients retain their full flavour, aroma, vitamins, and nutritional value. This process results in bite-sized pieces packed with all the essential nutrients your dog needs for growth, digestion, and overall good health.

Our journey began with a simple goal: to find a healthy yet convenient alternative to home-cooked meals. After extensive research, we discovered the incredible benefits of cold pressed food. We were amazed by its potential, but equally surprised that so few pet owners were aware of this innovative method. That's why we've made it our mission to spread the word and bring the benefits of cold pressed dog food to pet owners across the country.

With Guru, you can trust that your dog is receiving a balanced, naturally nutritious diet that supports their health and happiness every day.
Approx. number of employees: 0
Area served: UK
Year established:
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