
Name: Bosch Tiernahrung
Location: Blaufelden, Germany

Average product rating

45 %

About Bosch

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Bosch Tiernahrung is a German dog food company with over 60 years' experience in creating food for dogs of all ages, all the way from puppy to adult.
They are specialists in the production and distribution of a range of dog food variants including dry and wet dog food. However, Bosch also produce their own range of fresh food toppings, allowing you to add fruit and vegetable toppings to any type of dog food.

Bosch dog food has been family run since its inception in 1960 and produce their entire range of dog food and treats in Baden-Wurttemberg - a stunning German state comprised of forests, fertile highlands, green meadows, lakes, and marshes.

Since January 2020, all production of Bosch dog food has been 100% climate neutral.
Approx. number of employees: 700
Area served: Available in 20 Countries
Year established:
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