
Name: Diamond Pet Foods
Location: Missouri, USA

Average product rating

68 %

About Kirkland

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Kirkland is a trusted name in premium dog food, offering high-quality nutrition crafted to support your dog's health and vitality. Produced in state-of-the-art facilities, Kirkland's recipes are developed with the highest standards of quality and safety. Our food is made with fresh, natural ingredients, including real meat as a primary component, ensuring a wholesome and balanced diet.

At Kirkland, we are dedicated to providing exceptional value without compromising on quality. Our commitment to rigorous quality-control processes and advanced manufacturing techniques guarantees that every bag of Kirkland dog food meets our strict standards. We believe in delivering nutritious, delicious meals that your dog will love, while also making high-quality pet food accessible to all.
Approx. number of employees: 5000
Area served: Global
Year established:
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