
Name: Henne Pet Food
Location: Outrup, Denmark

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54 %

About Kronch

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Kronch delivers premium dog food crafted with exceptional quality and care. Originating from Denmark, Kronch uses human-grade Scandinavian salmon as the primary ingredient, ensuring a healthy and natural diet for your dog. Our recipes are free from unnecessary additives and preservatives, and are grain-free and gluten-free, making them ideal for dogs with allergies.

Our product range includes the 100% Salmon Original Treats, which are highly digestible and loved for their flavour. For convenient, mess-free snacking, try our 76% Salmon Pocket Treats. We also offer Cold-Pressed Salmon Oil to enhance your dog's diet with high-quality omega-3s. The High Energy Pemmikan supplement, endorsed by experts, provides over 4,000 calories per kg for active and working dogs. Our Salmon Skin Chews serve as a healthier, durable alternative to traditional gnawing treats. With Kronch, you ensure top-notch nutrition and satisfaction for your canine companion.
Approx. number of employees: 0
Area served: UK, USA & Europe
Year established:
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517 517 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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