
Name: Naturea
Location: Santarém, Portugal

Average product rating

72 %

About Naturea

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Naturea Petfoods, established in Portugal in 2010, is dedicated to setting the standard for premium pet nutrition. Our dog food is crafted with a focus on naturally appropriate diets, using high-quality animal proteins, including meat and fish approved for human consumption.

Each recipe in our range is designed to cater to dogs at every life stage, with carefully selected ingredients that ensure optimal health and well-being. Naturea's commitment to quality and efficiency is evident in every meal, reflecting our passion for enhancing the lives of pets. Our aim is to deliver nutritious, delicious food that supports the overall happiness and vitality of your dog.
Approx. number of employees: 50
Area served: UK
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
1.4k 1,397 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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