
Name: Asda Stores Limited
Location: Leeds, UK
Parent company
Name: EG Group
HQ: United Kingdom

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31 %

About Asda

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Asda created their own brand of dog food, Asda Hero. This dog food is available in a variety of different styles including wet food, dry food, treats and dental chews to help improve your pet's dental health. The brand is exclusively sold in Asda stores across the UK.

Asda Hero dog food was created to compete with other brands that Asda was selling. Their food has been specially formulated by their animal experts to provide nutritious food that your dog will enjoy. Asda Hero dog food contains a balance of vitamins and minerals that your dog requires.
The food is available in a range of flavours to match your furry friends' preferences including chicken, turkey, beef and fish.

Where is Asda Hero dog food made?
Asda Hero is produced in Leeds, UK.
Who owns Asda Hero?
Asda Hero is owned by Asda's parent company, EG Group.
Approx. number of employees: 145000
Area served: United Kingdom
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
1.7k 1,658 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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