
Name: Petproject
Location: London, UK

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83 %

About Thrive

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Thrive is a premium dog food brand committed to delivering genuine, high-quality nutrition. In 2000, after years in the food industry, we scrutinised the ingredients in commercial pet foods and were alarmed by the lack of real meat or fish in products labelled as such. Instead, these foods often relied on flavoured vegetable proteins.

Determined to provide a better option, we created Thrive to offer only the finest natural ingredients. Unlike many brands that use cheap, highly processed components, our recipes avoid excessive heat and pressure that denature foods. We focus on delivering true nutritional value without unnecessary additives.

Thrive's range of dog food is designed to enhance your pet's health and well-being with authentic, nutrient-rich ingredients, ensuring they receive the best nature has to offer.
Approx. number of employees: 10
Area served: 18 Countries Globally
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
331 331 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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