Golden Eagle

Name: Golden Eagle Petfoods
Location: Bedfordshire, UK

Average product rating

63 %

About Golden Eagle

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Golden Eagle is a premium dog food brand inspired by the pioneering work of Joseph "Joe" Cocquyt. Dissatisfied with unhealthy ingredients in existing pet foods, Joe collaborated with experts to create recipes that prioritise pet health. Golden Eagle Holistic Health reflects his commitment to crafting the healthiest pet food possible.

We use only human-grade ingredients, including fresh meats, whole grains like rice and oats, and a mix of fruits and vegetables. Our recipes are enriched with healthy oils and fats, rich in Omegas such as DHA and EPA, which support brain, organ, and cardiovascular health. These nutrients come from high-quality sources like flaxseed and salmon oil.

Our approach is based on cutting-edge scientific research, ensuring our food protects and nourishes your dog against environmental and genetic factors. Golden Eagle Holistic Health is dedicated to Joe's legacy, offering a balanced and natural diet for optimal pet wellness.
Approx. number of employees: 10
Area served: UK & Europe
Year established:
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484 484 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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