
Name: Oscar Pet Foods
Location: Lancashire, UK

Average product rating

63 %

About Oscar

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Oscar is a premium dog food brand dedicated to delivering the highest standard of nutrition for your pet. Understanding that what you choose to feed your dog has a profound impact on their health, emotions, and behaviour, we focus on creating recipes that truly make a difference. With 16 life-stage and dietary-specific options, including grain-free, gluten-free, and weight control varieties, our range is designed to meet the unique needs of every dog.

At Oscar, we believe that optimal pet nutrition goes beyond just selecting appealing ingredients. It's about ensuring the right quantity, quality, and purpose of every component in our recipes. That's why we source only the finest British ingredients, chosen for their proven nutritional benefits, not just for their name.

Our commitment to nutritional excellence means that each Oscar meal is crafted with care, providing your dog with the essential nutrients they need for a healthy and happy life.
Approx. number of employees: 50
Area served: UK
Year established:
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