
Name: Nose2Tail Pet Products
Location: London, UK

Average product rating

76 %

About Nose2tail

Company info
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Nose 2 Tail is a premium dog food brand rooted in the heart of Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Founded in September 2020 by Rachael and Reece, two devoted dog lovers, Nose 2 Tail was born out of a passion for providing high-quality, natural dog food, treats, and accessories. Inspired by their quest to find premium products for their dog Chester, they set out to create a brand that offers the very best for your dog at affordable prices.

We meticulously source our products from across the North-East of Scotland and the UK, ensuring that each item meets our high ethical and quality standards. Our commitment extends to using fully recyclable packaging, reflecting our dedication to sustainability.

As we grow, we aim to expand our range, always prioritising the health and happiness of your dog. At Nose 2 Tail, we are dedicated to providing exceptional service, delivering your orders accurately and swiftly, so your dog can enjoy the best that nature has to offer.
Approx. number of employees: 2
Area served: UK
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
117 117 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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