Wolf Tucker

Name: Wolf Tucker
Location: West Sussex, UK

Average product rating

86 %

About Wolf Tucker

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Wolf Tucker is a premium raw dog food brand created from our passion for giving dogs the healthiest lives possible. After feeding our dogs high-quality commercial food, we noticed it fell short. Despite being labeled scientifically balanced, our dogs had scruffy coats, brittle claws, and stained teeth. Concerned, we researched raw feeding and were inspired by Dr. Ian Billinghurst's studies on BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food).

Determined to do better, we began making our own raw meals, using only human-grade meat, fresh fruits, and seasonal vegetables. The result was an affordable, natural diet that improved our dogs' health. As word spread among friends and family, Wolf Tucker was born.

At Wolf Tucker, we carefully prepare our food in small batches, ensuring your dog gets the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals they need for a happy, healthy life.
Approx. number of employees: 10
Area served: UK
Year established:
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865 865 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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