Bob & Lush

Name: Bob & Lush
Location: Co. Durham, UK

Average product rating

64 %

About Bob & Lush

Company info
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Bob & Lush is a German dog food brand founded by Anders Schonberg and Alan Ault in 2011 that quickly rose to prominence through their range of specially formulated grain free dog foods.

They currently stock a wide range of dry and wet dog foods suitable for pets at all stages of life. You can find their range of uniquely crafted dog foods on their website or at select online stockists including Amazon.

Bob & Lush is a dog food brand famous for their range of wet dog foods. Their unique blend of flavours are free from artificial preservatives, colorants, and sweeteners and contain a large portion of fresh ingredients to provide a nutritious and balanced meal for your furry friend.

Despite originating in Germany, Bob & Lush's prominence quickly caught the eye of pet food giant Paws Group who acquired the company in 2023. The Paws Group is headquartered in the UK and is responsible for a range of popular dog food brands such as Paws & Fetch.
Approx. number of employees: 50
Area served: UK
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
860 860 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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