Basil's Dog Food

Name: Basil's Dog Food
Location: Wiltshire, UK

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85 %

About Basil's Dog Food

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Basil's raw dog food was created by two master butchers back in 2011. One of the owners fed their dog raw meat and his dog was healthy and happy, this is where he made the connection between healthy food equals a happy dog, this is where the idea of the brand was created.

Basil's dog food was created with the aim of providing dogs with healthy, nutritional raw dog food. Research was conducted and the custom raw feeding recipe was created and available for the general public so they could now provide their pets with the same food Basil thrived on.

In early 2021, Basil's created a new product range of 'fine food for working dogs'.

Their raw food is available in beef, chicken, lamb, duck and wild venison and on average, is 70% meat content. The other 30% content is made up of a fruit and vegetable mix.

Their food has many benefits for dogs, including healthy teeth and gums, increased energy levels and overall improved health. Basil's is suitable for dogs of all breeds and sizes, but it is important to feed your pet the right amount of raw food and not overfeed this type of dog food.
Approx. number of employees: 0
Area served: Coming soon
Year established:
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495 495 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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