Country Value

Name: Burgess Pet Care
Location: Yorkshire, UK

Average product rating

41 %

About Country Value

Company info
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Country Value is a dog food brand owned and operated by UK pet food giant Burgess Pet Care - owners of a wide range of brands including Burgess and Paul O Grady's.

They specialise almost exclusively in complete dry extruded dog food with varying food types for each life stage from puppy to mature adult.

They are highly specialised, offering a limited range of dry extruded dog foods in a variety of flavours including classic favourites such as beef and chicken. Their focus on working dog food comes to the foreground, making them a solid option for owners looking for dog food that is readily available and specific to working dog breeds such as Alaskan Malamutes or Boxers. Country value dog food is readily available online from Amazon and select UK retailers.
Approx. number of employees: 68
Area served: UK & Germany
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
191 191 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days
Also owned by
Burgess 11 11 Burgess foods listed
Paul O'Grady's 5 5 Paul O'Grady's foods listed



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