Happy Dog

Name: Interquell
Location: Großaitingen, Germany

Average product rating

62 %

About Happy Dog

Company info
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Happy Dog is a premium dog food brand dedicated to providing natural, wholesome nutrition for your dog. Originating in Germany, our recipes are crafted using carefully selected ingredients, free from wheat and artificial additives. Each meal is packed with high-quality proteins, essential vitamins, and minerals, ensuring a balanced diet that supports your dog's health and vitality. Designed to promote healthy digestion and a strong immune system, Happy Dog offers a variety of recipes tailored to meet the needs of dogs at every life stage. Trust Happy Dog to deliver the nourishment your dog deserves, for a happy and healthy life.
Approx. number of employees: 200
Area served: 70 Countries worldwide
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
575 575 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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