
Name: Tesco
Location: Hertfordshire, UK

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24 %

About Tesco

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Tesco's dog food is crafted with care to provide balanced, nutritious meals that support your dog's health and happiness. We use quality ingredients in our recipes, ensuring each meal is packed with essential nutrients to keep your dog strong and active. Whether it's grain-free options or recipes tailored to specific dietary needs, Tesco offers a variety of choices to suit every dog's lifestyle. Our commitment to affordable quality means you can trust that your dog is getting the nutrition they need without compromise. With Tesco dog food, you're providing your dog with a wholesome, satisfying meal that they'll love every day.
Approx. number of employees: 330000
Area served: UK, Ireland, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
2.3k 2,278 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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