5 Safe Human Foods for Dogs

October 15, 2024   |   By David Jackson


While many human foods can be harmful to dogs, there are some that are not only safe but also nutritious. Of course, understanding which foods are both beneficial and non-toxic can help you navigate which foods you can and can’t incorporate into your dog’s diet.

In this article, we’ll explore five safe human foods for dogs and the benefits they can offer.

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5 Safe Human Foods for Dogs


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These orange veggies make for the perfect low calorie, yet highly nutritious snack for dogs of all shapes and sizes. They are packed full of essential vitamins and minerals which can contribute to healthy vision, skin and immune functions in dogs.

Additionally, chewing on raw carrots can help clean a dog’s teeth by reducing plaque buildup, promoting better dental health. Their high fibre content aids in digestion, ensuring regular bowel movements.

Best of all, in moderation, carrots are a safe, affordable, and easily accessible treat, whether served raw or cooked, making them a fantastic addition to your dog’s diet.


The word superfood is often misused in the world of dog food, however I can confirm blueberries certainly are a super berry. Just like carrots they are low in calories, packed with vitamins and minerals and offer several health benefits to our four legged friends.

They are also bursting with antioxidants, which help combat free radicals and reduce the effects of aging on a cellular level, supporting overall health and longevity.

Small yet mighty, this fruit makes for the perfect nutrient-dense snack for dogs.

Sweet Potato

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Looking for a food to help aid your dog’s digestion? Look no further than the fibre rich sweet potato.

Alongside helping aid regulate your dog’s bowel movements, they can also help your dog’s skin and coat, their vision and help boost their immune system.

Better yet, their high levels of beta-carotene, an antioxidant, also help protect cells from damage and support overall health!

You can add cooked sweet potatoes into your dog’s diet, either by adding them to their meals or by using them in a homemade dog treat recipe.


Another human food that can help dog’s in the digestion department is pumpkin.

Pumpkin is regularly used as a supplement to help treat both constipation and diarrhoea. Pumpkin is also high in antioxidant content, helping combat inflammation and oxidative stress in the body.

Its natural sweetness and ease of digestion make pumpkin a delicious and nutritious addition to a dog’s diet. Many people choose to add pumpkin into their dog’s diet in the form of a powdered supplement.

Peanut Butter

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Packed full of protein, healthy fats and vitamins - peanut butter may just become your dog’s new favourite, nutritious snack.

One reason peanut butter is such a popular treat amongst dog owners is that it works so well in enrichment toys such as Kongs and LickiMats. It is also often used in many homemade dog treat recipes.

Whilst there are many ‘dog versions’ of peanut butter on the market, given in moderation you can safely feed your dog regular ‘human’ peanut butter as long as its free from xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is toxic to dogs, even in small amounts. I would also suggest choosing a butter which is unsalted.

In Conclusion

Don’t be afraid to experiment incorporating dog-safe human foods into your pup’s diet.

But, as always, introduce new foods slowly and carefully and if you notice a negative change in your dog’s bowel movements you may have introduced the food too quickly, or it simply may not agree with your dog’s stomach.

Remember every dog is different and what works for one, may not work for another.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can all dogs eat these human foods?

Most dogs can enjoy small portions of these safe human foods, but always check with your vet first, especially if your dog has any health conditions or dietary restrictions.

How much of these foods can I give my dog?

Treats, including human-safe foods, should make up no more than 10% of your dog's daily calorie intake to maintain a balanced diet.

Can I feed my dog cooked meat from my meals?

Plain, cooked meat like chicken or turkey is usually safe, but best to avoid seasonings or other additional ingredients.

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A huge thanks to The Canine Journal and The American Kennel Club for all of their research, knowledge and work put into discussing which human foods are safe for your dog to eat.


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