Munch & Crunch

Name: 151 Products Ltd
Location: Manchester, UK

Average product rating

15 %

About Munch & Crunch

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Originating in the Netherlands, Munch & Crunch is a pet food brand specializing in the manufacture and distribution of a wide variety of dog treats. Despite its origins, Munch & Crunch is headquartered in Manchester and owned by 151 Products Ltd, a wholesale company that has been providing households with a range of goods for over 25 years.

Munch & Crunch offers a broad selection of dog treats, including traditional dental sticks, meaty cuts, and jerkies. These treats come in well-known flavours such as chicken, liver, tripe, and mint for some dental chews. Most of their treats are dry extruded and suitable for dogs older than four months, regardless of breed size.

The brand's treats, including meaty sticks and chewy bites, are manufactured in the UK and available at various UK-based household goods and pet stores like B&M, The Range, and Home Bargains. The typical ingredient profile of their dry treats is highly mixed, containing a higher proportion of cereals and meat & animal derivatives rather than whole ingredients.
Approx. number of employees: 200
Area served: UK
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
188 188 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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