
Name: Smudge and Friends Petcare Ltd
Location: London, UK

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65 %

About Scrumbles

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Scrumbles stands out in the pet food industry with its commitment to natural, high-quality ingredients and a focus on digestive health. Using 100% natural ingredients and up to 77% meat, Scrumbles avoids artificial additives and common allergens, ensuring nutritious, hypoallergenic recipes. Their emphasis on gut health, with added pre and probiotics, promotes immune function, healthy digestion, and pretty poops. Aware that all pets are unique, they offer recipes catering to all breeds and life stages, including dental, grain free, and single-source protein options. Scrumbles is also dedicated to sustainability, offering eco-friendly packaging, and donating 1% of sales to environmental causes. Try their wet food, dry food, or treats today, for prettier #2's tomorrow.
Approx. number of employees: 12
Area served: UK
Year established:
Product views (last 30 days):
5.6k 5,636 people have viewed this product in the last 30 days



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